Dogs > Dog Food And Nutrition

What pet food manufacturers dont want you to know


Awesome article..

VERY awesome!!

I'd have to quote the entire article to post the good stuff. 

Middle Child:
Wow.  That is a great article.

This, taken from the article, is something I can't seem to get people to understand:

--- Quote ---The ingredient list is ordered with foods that make up the highest to lowest weight. While this lands the water dense meats at the top of the label, about 70% of the weight is lost when the food is dehydrated making meat a minority of the foods composition. To both confuse customers and ensure that the most recognizable ingredients are at the top of the list, food companies have developed a practice called “splitting” to make their food appear perfect for our little furry predators. Let’s say you have a food that is 50% rice and 25% meat, the package would have to list rice as the first ingredient. However, if the 50% rice content is broken across white rice, brown rice, rice bran, and rice gluten meal, it is possible to make each of the rice ingredients fewer than 25%, thus allowing meat to appear as the predominant nutrient source
--- End quote ---


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