Dogs > Wet vs Dry

Re: Dry Vs Wet

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--- Quote from: FurMonster Mom on December 10, 2011, 02:04:33 PM ---Thing is.... she's still feeding kibble to the dog...  Doh1

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I wouldn't mind reading some discussion/info concerning dogs eating kibble in the dog forum area.  Apparently, I've missed the boat in that area.  ??  I feed our dogs kibble and wet...

FurMonster Mom:

--- Quote from: Lola on December 10, 2011, 06:13:18 PM ---I wouldn't mind reading some discussion/info concerning dogs eating kibble in the dog forum area.  Apparently, I've missed the boat in that area.  ??  I feed our dogs kibble and wet...

--- End quote ---

I am simply of the opinion that dog kibble is not made any better than cat kibble.  As such, I don't think it's any better for dogs than cat kibble is for cats.

Dogs aren't any less carnivorous than cats, and they are not omnivores.  Dogs are carnivores.  The very small amount of amylase in a dog's system is a survival mechanism.  Wolves have been known to dig up tubers to get themselves through a difficult winter, but is pretty rare and as soon as there is more prey, they will leave the roots alone.  They thrive on meat.  The meat to filler ratio in many dog kibbles is just as bad as it is in cat kibble.  It is, however, a bit better in wet foods.  And of course you know I believe raw is the best option.  ;)

Just my  2cents   doggif

While I believe raw meat is best for any carnivore, obligate or opportunistic, I don't think that feeding any wet is better than any dry for dogs, as it seems to be for cats.

Unlike cats, dogs are not desert animals and have a proper thirst drive, so the risk of the running around chronically dehydrated is low, thereby lowering the risk of urinary problems. Where cats absolutely cannot pull nutrients from plant sources, dogs can; they just can't get them as efficiently from plants as from meat. For example, dogs can utilize beta carotene for vitamin A. Cats cannot. If and when I own a dog, he or she will be eating the exact same thing I am feeding Amber as long as I am able to give it to them. But when I am talking to people about what they feed, moisture is the first thing I consider, followed by low carbs. With dog owners, the first thing I mention is the quality of the ingredients, followed by meat content.

I didn't think dry for dogs was an "issue," (like it is for felines) for the reasons Amber stated.  Also, my dogs have molars that allow them to chew their food!
I feed quality (as quality as a manufactured food can be) wet and dry.  I assumed  :o dogs needed both.  (Not sure why I assumed that.)

Cat or Dog kibble they both are prone to recalls, so many happening again lately.
If I ever get a dog, its getting Raw right off the bat. :-*


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