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Bach Flower Remedies for Pets

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Awesome post, MC!   DrLisaPiersonWorthy

I did a very quick look through the one book I have about cats interacting, written by a feline behaviorist, but didn't find anything that seemed to fit your situation, Shadow.  The closest I could find was either Territorial Aggression or Status Aggression, but I don't remember what the "solutions" were.  I'll try to post more on that this weekend.  The book did mention that you might want/need to "re-introduce" them to each other.  I'd start with MC's suggestions first and see how things go.

Good luck!  fingerscrossed grouphug

Thanks MC for your post :) The problem is I do all the things you have listed lol!
I do not however seperate them. I just cant bring myself to do that now. I would feel bad locking Mango in a room while I am at work :(
I still have not had a chance to go out and get the Bach rescue remedy yet. Will do that soon, and I have to get some Vetericyn to see if that helps with Shadow's watery eyes. She is on L-lysine 500mg a day, and that is not helping, and the vet is at a loss too.


Middle Child:
Look up Lactoferrin for feline herpes.

It won't hurt Mango to stay in one room for the hours you are at work.  Nor would it hurt Shadow, if you want to rotate them.  It's for Shadow's benefit after all.  I know how you feel though, I wouldn't want to either, but sometimes we just have to grit our teeth and get on with it.

I am not surprised that you already have everything I suggested in practice, so keep on with it.  You just have to keep on with it.  Consistency and patience will eventually pay off.

I found the Turn Taking Play Times especially beneficial both when Queen Eva was a kitten, and way WAY back, when Mazy cat first came here.  She was terribly rough with Tolly in those early days, Tolly was used to playing with old ladies.  He had to toughen up a lot, but in the mean time we had nightly sessions on the floor where each new cat learned how to take turns. We still have those nightly sessions, but what I mean is, every cat who has come here new has had to learn how to take turns. Come to think of it, going even further back, Tolly had to learn those things too, but he was such a sweet compliant cat, there was never really any problem with him.  Mazy was a major challenge, and Queen Eva took some work, too :)

Jennie's issue was never playing or harassing, she had to learn how to not barge into other cats' dishes.  She was a rescued stray and has never gotten over her food anxiety.  But even so, she learned not to barge into other cats' meals.  It took her not quite a year, I think.

So I checked the book again (Cat vs. Cat by Pam Johnson-Bennett, a feline behaviorist), and ruled out Status-Related Aggression because that's if the cat is directing the behavior at a person, not another cat.  But I just re-read your post about Mango also bites at you, so I'm leaning towards it being "Play Aggression."  Th author recommends 2-3 play sessions a day using fishing pole toys, rewarding him when he plays "appropriately."  If that doesn't help (and it sounds like you're already playing with him a lot), she suggests aversion therapy, like a spray bottle/water pistol or can of compressed air, using "the smallest squirt of air or water necessary to disrupt the behavior."  She's not suggesting you spray Mango in the face, but rather his back or side, to startle him and break the pattern.  She emphasizes that he shouldn't see it come from you, but that it seem like an "act of God." 

I don't know if any of this helps, but I just wanted to share what this particular author had to say.

I do wonder, has he been checked for any medical issues? The author mentions "hyperesthia," or "rolling skin disease," which can present in various ways including unprovoked aggression.  I'm not saying that's what's going on with Mango, but just wondering if there's a medical cause?

I agree with MC, though, that you may need to separate them.  If things aren't getting better, you may need to do a re-introduction, with Mango in one room and Shadow having the rest of the house, then getting them used to each other again.  I know it's not ideal, but for both their sakes it may be necessary.  I have a link to this author's website in the Feline Behavior section - here's the link to her site's section on re-introductions:  She also does consults and is on Facebook, if you're interested.  grouphug

Edit:  I was just going through my email and found a link to this piece on Catster:

--- Quote ---  Some cats pick fights with others around meal times. They might be hungry; they may not be fed enough or have long waits between meals. Reduce the crankiness factor by feeding them good quality food while increasing the number of meals they are fed every day.
--- End quote ---

Maybe there's other info there that would help?  Hang in there!  grouphug grouphug grouphug

Thanks MC and Pookie it is definately playful aggression. He is very healthy, and had a good health checkup. I guess I could feed more, but when I give him smaller meals he cries for more, I don't want him to have too much food or he may get too pudgy.  bonkhead  He is always trying to eat Shadow's food too, so I have to pick him up and play with him in another room while Shadow eats most of her food, as she doesn't eat it all at once, never has.
I don't know I have done all these things, and I'm at a loss :( guess I just have to have more patience.


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