This And That - Often Non Pet Related Topics > Birthday Corner

It's Arrows' Birthday!

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I hope you have purrfectly wonderful day, Arrows!

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Mr. Arrows thanks you for the birthday wishes.  This is a recent picture of our red boy. 

Thought I would do something different than the usual... Happy Birthday.

I pick birth dates using the date of the first vet visit, and the vet's guess in years. 

Arrows is our sweeeeet red boy!  He was passed around a lot, before he joined our family 3 years ago. I don't know how anyone could have treated him badly.  While I enjoy the "challenging" felines, :) he is not.  Any "bad" traits, he learned from us!  lol 
He gets along with everyone... other cats, dogs, and people.  He is very loving and mild mannered... and such a character!  His best friend is Roxy.  He has a deep meow.  When he wants our attention, he gives us light kisses... unlike some of the others that "yell," hit, tear up stuff, etc.  lol  He was a BREEZE to transition to wet.  He likes wet, raw, and people food.  A lot.  He "begs" at the dinner table...and has been known to steal food on occasion. I have a picture (somewhere) of my DD offering him a piece of broccoli, from her plate... he totally ignored her and grabbed at a piece of steak instead.  Smart kitty. 
Simply put, Arrows is a JOY. 

Some of these have been posted before...

He likes to help in the kitchen.


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